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A picture can say a thousand words, and great images help make the difference between an average-looking site and a really engaging one.

before add an image make suer make a file to but all tha images in your wep page in it

Adding Images u can add an image by useing this element < img > and this element must carry the following two attributes:

Three Rules for Creating Images

HTML5: Figure and Figure Caption


coler will bring your page to life

The color property allows you to specify the color of text inside an element. You can specify any color in CSS in one of three ways:

rgb values These express colors in terms of how much red, green and blue are used to make it up

HEX These are six-digit codes that represent the amount of red, green and blue in a color, preceded by a pound or hash #

-color name There are 147 predefined color names that are recognized by browsers

Color pickers can help you find the color you want

It is important to ensure that there is enough contrast between any text and the background color (otherwise people will not be able to read your content


Typeface Terminology

serif font were traditionally used for long passages of text because they were considered easier to read.

Sans-Serif Screens have a lower resolution than print. So, if the text is small sans-serif fonts can be clearer to read.


commonly used for code because they align nicely, making the text easier to follow.

There are properties to control the choice of font, size, weight, style, and spacing