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links in html

Links are created using the < a > element. Users can click on anything between the opening < a > tag and the closing < /a > tag. Types of Links :


to Control the position of elements

CSS treats each HTML element as if it is in its own box. This box will either be a block-level box or an inline box.

we can control the layout of a page by on of the folwing

Normal flow

Relative Positioning

Absolute positioning


FUNCTIONS,METHOD & OBJECTS FUNCTIONS & OBJECTS Functions consist of a series of statements that have been grouped together because they perform a specific task. A method is the same as function, except methods are created inside (and are part of) an object.

BUILT-IN METHODS OBJECTS The browser comes with a set of objects that act like a toolkit for creating interactive web pages.

Pair Programming

pair programming commonly involves two roles: the Driver and the Navigator. The Driver is the programmer who is typing and the only one whose hands are on the keyboard.the Driver manages the text editor, switching files, version control, and—of course writing—code. The Navigator uses their words to guide the Driver but does not provide any direct input to the computer. The Navigator thinks about the big picture, what comes next, how an algorithm might be converted in to code, while scanning for typos or bugs. The Navigator might also utilize their computer as a second screen to look up solutions and documentation, but should not be writing any code.

Why pair program?